Thursday, 28 November 2013

[Brand] Eventbrite

As social networks has gradually become part of lifestyle in the recent years, many world leading corporate and innovative enterprises start to develop online community service and try to find a niche market to create profit. Eventbrite and Meetup are two of the outstanding websites for online event planning service. Both of them possess different value propositions in the functions, services, and profitable methodology.

Eventbrite is well known for its tickets selling and collecting services, which is named as a Ticketmaster’s business with a simpler, more economical model (The New York Times, 2009). It provides people around the world to organize, to set up ticket sales, to promote events of any size, and also gives users to publicize and share their activities with friends through Facebook, Twitter, and e-mail directly from the site’s interface.
In 2012, there were totally over $1 billion ticket sales through Eventbrite, activities were held in 179 countries, and Eventbrite app was downloaded with the number of 1.8 million.

In the review, many significant events were promoted as extraordinary record; for example, the meet up for thousands of New Yorkers did yoga in Times Square. As we can see the problems that Eventbrite present its performances mainly with the number of tickets being sold in the perspective of accumulative single events rather than a continuous relationship with users. It is evidential that there are quite few “likes” for announcements on Facebook page or Twitter compared to its followers, even not to mention the continuous conversations. It is hard to sustain customer’s loyalty without interactions.

In comparison with Eventbrite, Meetup is more successful in the function of social networking, which emphasizes more on the concept of local community and direct interactivity and discussion on the Meetup website. Even though the balance of establishing and maintaining online communities is always a tough mission for business, consumers are mostly fascinated with the diverse experiences in particular societies and the excitements of making new friends with common interests. Through creating a sense of belonging and community, corporates will be able to develop the customer-to-customer and customer-to-business relationship management in the long-term perspective to maintain the stably increasing revenue, which would be the scope of relationship marketing (Rowley, p.148, 2002).


在2012年,Eventbrite已經有超過十億美元的訂票銷售總額在179個國家進行。Eventbrite App的下載率也高達1800萬的次數,更是有許多國際知名的大型活動也都會選擇在Eventbrite的平台作為宣傳與集票系統。例如,美國紐約客透過Eventbrite號召人氣聚集在時代廣場做瑜珈的活動,便是其中一個知名的個案。儘管Eventbrite的名氣如此響亮,其網站提供的服務大多是一次性的消費,而非長遠的顧客關係維持。尤其是從Eventbrite在其他社群網路上的分享及點閱率,更是能夠看出來。因此如何增加顧客忠誠度以及提供使用者間的互動,將會是Eventbrite下一個需要注意的課題。


Sunday, 17 November 2013

[Ad] Das Auto, the Kid's pride - Volkswagen 2013 Ad in China 一汽大眾速騰,孩子的驕傲。

Volkswagen released a commercial advertisement in China this month. This video has been placed as the pre-roll advertisement on several popular video-sharing website in China. In this advertisement, the first kid holds his ice cream, looking outside the window with an arrogant smile and licking his ice cream insolently toward the other kid in a Das Auto. When the traffic light turns into green, the first kid suddenly smash his face into the ice cream in his hand. The other kid in a Das Auto then takes out his ice cream with a delightful lick, smiling toward the poor first kid. This advert successfully employs the sense of competition between kids  during the red light traffic signal, to present the utility of Das Auto with an emphasis on its TSI+DSG. Das Auto, the kid's pride.  

這是一個本月剛發布的Das Auto汽車廣告,在中國各大視頻網站中的前導廣告廣為宣傳。影片中透過孩子們乘坐在不同廠牌的汽車中,一開始出現的圓領衫小孩一臉不屑的看向窗外,驕傲地舔了一口冰淇淋,向另一台車中的襯衫小孩炫耀。當綠燈亮起,鏡頭瞬間拉到圓領衫小孩整頭臉栽進手中的冰淇淋,然而乘坐Das Auto的小男孩坐在安全座椅上舒適的享受手中的冰淇淋。導演透過在等紅燈時營造出相互較勁的氣氛,來展現Das Auto剎車起步時的平穩與加速性,強調TSI(渦輪增壓)+DSG(直接換檔變速器)的效能。一汽大眾速騰,孩子的驕傲。

Friday, 15 November 2013

[Ad] A memory to remember - Kingston, 2013 記憶月台

This is a real story in London, as we all know the story of 'Mind the gap'. This month, Kingston took the whole story as an advertisement in Taiwan, with a considerable investment to create the scene of London tube. This video begins with the sound of 'Mind the Gap' for three times, and turns into the conversation between the senior lady and station staff. Moreover, Kinston employs an specialised music video to present the memory of the senior lady. It is extremely impressive and touching. Everything is great except the American accent..... No matter what, that's brilliant indeed!

這是一個記憶體廠商金士頓(Kingston)的廣告,在11月份影片釋出於Youtube的時候,引起廣大網民的回響。這是改編自英國倫敦的真實案例,重現'Mind the Gap'的廣播聲背後的感人故事。廣告的一開始採用阿甘正傳似的敘事,並以三聲Mind the gap作為開頭,將鏡頭轉至頭髮花白的女士與站務人員間的對談。劇中更是採用了MV式的拍攝手法回顧老太太的記憶,搭配獨創的配樂與歌詞,譜出一場賺人熱淚的唯美饗宴。此外,全片的拍攝地點皆在台灣,Kingston公司投下大量資本,用了52位專業師傅、耗時84個重現倫敦地鐵的場景。唯一美中不足的是美國腔調的配音,但也許Kingston公司考量到國際上仍然與美國腔的使用為大宗,才做此選擇吧。

Thursday, 14 November 2013

[CSR] HSBC- Mexico Drug Money Issue 匯豐銀行,墨西哥毒品洗錢案

Even though “The world’s local bank” campaign was quite successful, the customer management in global banking system of HSBC was questioned by the event of drug money. HSBC spent several years positioning itself as the world’s local bank to present its globalised and localised service, but this convenience also provides some people opportunities to do international illegal event without cultural barrier. The internal control of HSBC did not implement completely so that they eventually involved the Mexican drug money event in 2012. Actually, HSBC knew that the transactions were illegal, but the clients had a long relationship in HSBC as well. Finally, HSBC apologized for the incident and they agreed to pay $1.9 billion dollars in fine.

Before the Mexican drug money event, HSBC also promote a series commercial “responsibility” under “The world’s local bank” campaign to response for their insistence during 2008 financial credit crisis. In the commercial, it emphasised on the idea that HSBC understand that people’s value influence their financial decisions, in order to transmit the high moral standard of HSBC. They used the metaphor of hard decision by the mental confliction of paparazzi and fishermen to present the anxiety and consideration of to do and not to do. No matter how struggling the main character did in the commercial, the final decision was all based on the morality and social responsibility. HSBC use the slides of life to imply their social responsibility to the audiences. Even though the accumulative scandals and bankruptcy in financial industry has resulted in the distrust by the public, HSBC still maintain a stable operating income and customer account in an increasing situation.

儘管匯豐銀行'the world's local bank'系列廣告是非常成功的,然而在多年累積起的專業形象之後,於2012年所爆發的墨西哥毒品洗錢案,令人匪夷所思匯豐銀行對內部稽核的控管品質,是否在每個國家都不同? 在醜聞爆發之後,匯豐銀行也立即承認了其內部疏失,並認賠罰款19億美金。並在洗錢案落幕之後,匯豐銀行推出一系列'Responsibility'的廣告,欲傳達給消費者做出正確決策的困難,也告訴觀眾在金融海嘯期間,匯豐銀行將秉持其社會責任的信念,提供客戶高道德標準的服務。

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

[Ad] HSBC- The World's Local Bank 匯豐銀行- 跨國的當地銀行

The first advertisement was published in 2002, demonstrating the importance of local knowledge in customs and practices by a series of commercials through disclosing the cultural differences from country to country. In the beginning, the advert illustrated that some American managers prefer to have a meeting standing out to save time while the Japanese chairmen who like to take the time to have a dinner first before business discussion. It also presented a gesture or behaviour which was normal in one country might have different meaning in another country. Then the last scene implicated a successful deal between Japan and UK chairmen because both of them have acquired the cultural customs from HSBC before this meeting. This advert transmitted a message that HSBC never underestimated the importance of local knowledge, particularly when it came to the client’s money. What HSBC learned in one country can directly benefit their customers to another country. HSBC served people as the world’s local bank. In the following commercials, a particular sentence was repeated in the end regularly, which was “At HSBC, we never underestimate the importance of local knowledge. HSBC, the world’s local bank.”


The advertisement illustrated a dinner meeting with traditional snake soup for Chinese and English businessmen. Even though the snake soup looked so disgusting for English businessmen, he still cleared his plate to show the appreciation to the host. However, in China, people regarded this behaviour as a questioning action towards their generosity. Consequently, every time when the English businessmen finished a bowl of snake soup, the Chinese businessmen would prepare a bigger and bigger snake in the soup for him. What differences from usual was that the advert added a new message in the end of video, which presented the reason why HSBC had local banks staffed by local people in more countries than any other banks.


Move on to the next commercial, it was a washing machine market investigation for the blooming sales in India. HSBC illustrated a message that if people are going to do the business internationally, they should be with the bank who knew about the international business. HSBC commercial banking served for 64 countries and territories around the globe. Your business success is out there. It’s your bank. Even though the commercials transmitted a single message, advertising agency showed all kinds of creativity to catch audiences’ attention. In this advertisement, the reason of increasing sales of washing machine in India is that Indian people used washing machine to produce tropical fruit juice. All of these ideas were inspired by HSBC’s customer trends of easier travel and international communication on business. The local service of a global bank would be able to provide international businessmen the local information to understand the cultural differences and to create a greater interest in the world. HSBC and its clients can benefit each other through this simple idea in such business strategy.


Tuesday, 12 November 2013

[Brand] Breast Cancer Campaign, UK 英國乳癌防治運動慈善機構

Breast Cancer Campaign is a charity aimed at fighting for breast cancer by funding innovative research to improve diagnosis, treatment and cure. They named their core research as Pink Science to cover every aspect of breast cancer research with eight themes, which are biology, diagnosis, education, emotional impact, genetics, growth, prevention, and treatment. In order to achieve the mission that everyone can be part of making Pink Science happen, Breast Cancer Campaign attracts the best scientists to do research projects, survivors from breast cancer to share their experiences, and supporters to join to join and fund the activities to help in raising its awareness. To conclude, Pink Science is not merely a research project but a spiritual act of passion to send the message that everyone is part of the cure.
Compared to other campaigns, Breast Cancer Campaign differentiates itself by only funding for research in breast cancer across the UK and Ireland, rather than selling pink ribbon product for profit. They currently support 95 research projects with £15,630,534 in 33 centres across the UK and Ireland, and have been awarded over 360 grants with £39 million in total to universities, medical schools and research centres in the UK (Breast Cancer Campaign, 2013). In addition, Breast Cancer Campaign chose to use the jigsaw piece as their logo rather than the pink ribbon, for the reason that the missing piece of the puzzle is the cure for breast cancer. Breast cancer is not one disease and is also unable to be cured by one treatment.

Breast Cancer Campaign是一家英國的慈善機構,專門負責乳癌防治研究與推廣。他們的核心研究稱之為'Pink Science',目的是讓所有人都能夠參與,其中包含了八個主題分別是生物、臨床診斷、教育、情緒影響、基因、成長、防治、以及治療。Breast Cancer Campaign結集了全國最優秀的科學家來做研究,成功抵抗乳癌的病患來做心路歷程分享,以及志工們來推廣乳癌防治運動與籌募資金。相較於其他的乳癌防治運動,Breast Cancer Campaign特別強調其研究成果,來凸顯他們的核心價值。目前他們已經擁有投入了超過1500萬英鎊在全英國包含愛爾蘭的33個研究機構中的95個研究計畫,其中也包含了許多研究型的醫學院與私人研究機構。除此之外,Breast Cancer Campaign採用拼圖作為其logo,以便於和粉紅絲帶做區隔。失蹤的這一塊拼圖,所代表的寓意是缺少的乳癌治療研究。乳癌並不是一種疾病,而是缺乏了一項完善的治療。

Monday, 11 November 2013

[CSR] Is Pink Ribbon Philanthropic or Commercial? 粉紅絲帶是為了慈善募捐還是營利商品?

Even though the pink ribbon campaign appears quite successful in branding the recognition of the pink ribbon as the symbol of breast advocacy, the design has become exploited and actually overused and misused by some companies as a marketing tool to boost profit. It is noticeable that many cosmetic companies, such as Estée Lauder, Avon, and Bobbi Brown, developed a series of products with the pink ribbon sign, in order to demonstrate their care towards women’s health and issues. These products are usually marketed as “not just to sell a product, but to sell a good will as well” (Stordahl, 2012). Because of the popularity of pink ribbons, people can easily label these products subconsciously as good, healthy products representing justice in the fight to women’s health. As a result from the strong belief and trust in the pink ribbon culture, through continuous building this pink ribbon brand in the consumers’ mind by the contribution of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, some cosmetic companies exploit the kindness of consumers to increase their sales, even without a penny of donation (Stordahl, 2012). The marketing techniques employed when incorporating a pink ribbon into advertising has, therefore, been exploited to such an extent which profit has overtaken the initial goal that consumers have responded by emphasising their dislike for such behaviour from these industries (McNichol, 2009). The breast cancer awareness campaigns have sort of lost its original focus. In addition, the dominance of pink ribbons in health issues has resulted in overshadowing all the rest of ribbon. Especially in the social marketing area, the fairness and distribution of social resources must be considered when implementing the strategy to increase public awareness.


Friday, 8 November 2013

[CSR] Gender Issues of Breast Cancer Campaign 乳癌防治運動的性別議題

Not only women can get breast cancer, but men can too. However, the present breast cancer awareness movements mostly ignore men’s issues, but emphasise too much on women. As men can also develop breast cancer, it has been considered by John W Nick Foundation, Inc. that it is unfair for them to be neglected in these campaigns. The pink ribbon culture is one of the causes reinforcing the stereotype that the breast cancer awareness campaign belongs to women only (Ives, 2011). Although Nancy Nick designed a pink and blue ribbon to balance the gender issue, the result is not significant by the dominance of numerous cosmetic campaigns with pink ribbon. On the other hand, the sexual issues on the advertisement have been argued by the public as to its effectiveness and appropriation. For example, Janet Jackson’s image was used on the cover photo on the 1993 Rolling Stone magazine to raise awareness of the charity CoppaFeel!, an organisation to promote breast cancer awareness, with an embreasted top only covering her chest by the hands of her male partner. Since breast cancer involves women’s secondary sexual organs, breast cancer has already been considered as a sexy disease with the incorrect knowledge and misunderstanding of the original causes of breast cancer among the public (The Independent, 2012). Therefore, the advocators for the breast cancer awareness movement have started to claim that we should put the breasts away and face that cancer kills. 

Thursday, 7 November 2013

[Brand] HSBC- Airport Marketing 匯豐銀行-機場營銷

What worth mentioning is that HSBC has found a creative way to catch the attention by placing its advertisement campaign in the international terminals, on the interior and exterior of jetways throughout the globe (Seeb, 2012; MacDonald & Hopper-Greenhill, 2010). This idea was launched in 2001 and developed broadly in one of “The world’s local bank” campaign called “Different points of view” in 2004. The advertisement was placed in jet bridges with creative message and interactive media technology in 49 airports in 28 countries including some of most recognizable airports in London, Los Angeles, Paris, Dubai, Hong Kong, Shanghai, and Toronto (White, 2012). When travellers go through the bridge, HSBC will present how they being “The world’s local bank”; moreover, say goodbye at one end and hello at the other. HSBC focussed on those who are most likely to be interested in a bank offering international service because they might work for a global company and need to travel for work. Moreover, it is interesting that HSBC was not popular in such countries like US and Thailand. HSBC still bought several airport advertisements in Bangkok and California, because their footprint throughout Asia was significant large and these places were where their potential clients will be on business (Sparksheet, 2010).

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Online Sponsorship Advertising 線上贊助廣告

Online sponsorship has been acknowledged as one of the most popular internet advertising in the resent years. Unlike event sponsorships, online sponsorships has been extended from typically brief text advertisements with only sponsor’s brand and product to a form of websites, blogs, e-mails, online games, e-newspapers, or e-magazines. With a more comprehensive and detail context in sponsorship, readers are more likely to be confused with whether the information is a sponsorship or not, especially in digital publishing industry (Rodgers, 2007). Online sponsorship might increase the profit of e-newspapers and e-magazines, but it might decrease the credibility of journalistic standards as well. Therefore, how to structure online sponsorship for more persuasive influence is the one of the most concerned issues scholars and marketers discussing nowadays.

When sponsorship expended to the media of Internet, sponsors are able to integrate all the information on website and become part of the content. In the presence, there are no regulations in the implementation of sponsorship. Sponsor context and official information, such as news articles, might be distinguishable between each other. The feeling of confusion by audiences might lead to an unreliable, misunderstanding, and negative image of the sponsor brand, or even worse, some irritated audiences might exploit parody and sarcasm to distort the brand’s image. Even though sponsorship is referred to as the best way for increasing brand awareness by some scholars, sponsor companies must consider the long-term objectives and consequences of online sponsorship.

As websites become cramped by internet advertisements, it may become more difficult for online advertisers to obtain audiences’ attention. Rodgers (2003-2004) suggested that sponsoring valued content may be an effective to overcome these situations. The credibility of website is one of the linkage factors for a higher level of positive evaluations of relevant sponsors interpreted by audiences. Therefore, the sponsorship policies are needed, especially for the online publishing industries. Rodgers (2007) recommended that advertisements and news articles can be distinguished by different fronts and size or just a simple ruled line as the commercial content.

Therefore, most of leading digital news industries, such as Bloomberg, The New York Times, and The Guardian, distinguish the news article and sponsorship advertisement with separate space or significant segmentation, whilst the articles on internet fashion magazines are more ambiguous between sponsorship advertisement and professional narrative. One of the successful sponsorship cooperation on the Internet is the sponsorship of the Economist online. Their successful in sponsorship can be concluded in three elements which are congruent context, distinctive advertisement, and audience’s empowerment for the reaction. For example, they developed a topic in the debate platform for the sponsorship of Intel. During the debate, a conversation around the Intel brand was created. Brand value and visibility of Intel was increased by debate side, user-printed site pages, emails, in-book promotions, the post-debate PDF, and even a customised section with Intel positioning statement and interview of Intel executives. The debate was proved to be successful with the evidence of almost one million page views, more than forty thousand site visits, and more than 380 reader comments.

From the traditional event sponsorship to the modern online sponsorship, the more the collaboration among companies has been developed, the more the advertisement has been inserted. Especial for online publishing industry, it is controversial for the segmentation between article content and sponsorship advertisement. The congruity of the advertisement for sponsorship is also concerned by the readers. The congruity effect reflects the attitude of readers toward sponsor’s image and credibility (Rifon et al., 2004). As for the comprehensive presence of digital publishing industry, it is essential to create a thorough regulation and ethics in sponsorship advertising. Even though sponsorship is a relatively short-term collaboration among companies, it should be considered in terms of the long-term influence.