Saturday 19 September 2015

Microwave Mug Cake

Step 1. Melt 100g butter in microwave

Step 2. Add 4 tbsp self raising flour,
                    4 tbsp caster sugar
                    2 tbsp cocoa powder
                    3 tbsp milk
                    1 egg
Step 3. Mix

Step 4. Put your mug in the microwave for 3-4 minutes, or until it has stopped rising.

Monday 12 May 2014





1.  赤霞珠(Cabernet Sauvignon)

赤霞珠是高貴的紅酒葡萄品種之王,是一種主要用於釀造葡萄酒的紅葡萄,同莎當妮(Chardonnay)一併為世界上最為廣泛栽培的葡萄品種 。

赤霞珠香氣非常容易辨認,其酒香以黑色水果(如黑櫻桃和李子等),植物性香(如青草和青椒)及烘焙(如煙草,雪茄盒,香草,咖啡和煙熏味等)為主。其釀造的 葡萄酒年輕時往往具有類似青椒、薄荷、黑醋栗、李子等果實香味,陳年後逐漸顯現雪松、煙草、皮革、香菇氣息。由赤霞珠釀造的葡萄酒,受葡萄採收時果實成熟 度影響很大,當果實未完美成熟,會顯現更明顯的青椒以及植物性氣味,酒體結構豐厚結實,酒力強勁。

2.  梅洛(Merlot)


梅洛的顏色比赤霞珠少了一些藍黑的色調,皮更薄,單寧更少。相比赤霞珠而言,梅洛的果肉更甜,果酸更低。 梅洛釀造的葡萄酒其香氣往往具有櫻桃、草莓、黑莓以 及桑椹的氣息。用單品種梅洛釀造出來的新鮮型葡萄酒,呈漂亮的深寶石紅帶微紫色,果香濃郁,酒香優雅,酒質柔順,早熟易飲。

3.  黑比諾(Pinot noir)

黑比諾是名貴紅酒用葡萄的皇後。是用來釀造紅葡萄酒的一個葡萄品種。原產自法國勃艮第 (Burgundy), 為該區唯一的紅酒品種。



4.  施赫葡萄 (Shiraz / Syrah)




1.      莎當妮 (Chardonnay)



2.      長相思 (Sauvignon Blanc )

原產自法國波爾多區,適合溫和的氣候,土質以石灰土最佳。主要用來制造適合年輕時飲用的幹白酒,或混和塞米雍 (Sémilion)以制造貴腐白酒。


3.      雷絲令 (Riesling)

著名的白葡萄品種,被認為是最重要和最好的釀造白葡萄酒用白葡萄之一,因為耐寒抗凍,是德國寒冷地區和法國阿爾薩斯地區的主要釀酒品種,在世界其它產區也不少見。所釀的酒種類多、變化大,從幹型到 甜型均有,也是釀制冰酒的主要品種。


Friday 14 March 2014

Spareroom 品牌特寫 (附件: 常用英國租屋網站)

談到英國的租屋網站服務,就不得不提及一下Spareroom的business model的功能分為三大項: Rooms for rent, Rooms wanted, Buddy up.

1. Rooms for rent 房屋出租
這一項功能主要是讓房東和仲介在網站上放出租廣告。使用者可以透過進階搜尋篩選地區、房間大小、價位、室友的性別、年齡層、是否為學生、入住的時間、是否能抽菸養寵物、長租或短租等等。而其中最有趣的是,在英國找房子常常是好的deal,在廣告發布後一個星期內,很快就會被搶走。於是網站中提供了一個Early Bird Access的服務,讓購買這項服務的使用者能夠在第一時間跟房東聯絡。雖然一般的免費用戶,也是可以看到所有的廣告,可是只能夠跟廣告放在網站上七天後的房東做聯繫。雖然有些deal也是不錯,但就只能完全靠運氣了。

2. Rooms wanted 房客廣告
這一項功能主要是讓房客可以把自我介紹放在網站上做廣告。使用者可以在欄位中說明自己想要的房間是甚麼樣的類型、預算、大小、期待、特殊癖好之類的。這個功能主要是幫助房東和房客能夠更有效率地找到互相契合的彼此。有購買Early Bird Access的使用者,也會因此而在search ranking中排名較高的位置。除此之外,這項功能也同時影響到Buddy up,請看接下來的介紹。

3. Buddy up 合租找室友




SPAREROOM,英國網站,個人很推薦,系統操作方便,可以找房也可以找合租夥伴,建議可以找幾個朋友一起購買Early Bird Access,更容易拿到好的deal。



Hello UK!租屋版,台灣網站,大部分的台灣人都會把廣告放在上面,也可以由此找到一起合租的未來室友。






Thursday 6 March 2014

Marketing Intern的手札筆記

Work: organising the sponsor list of Beijing Olympic information.
Training (by Mike):
Definition of marketing:
1. Identification of a need among a group of consumers or business
2. Development of a product or service solves this needs
3. Promotion of that product/services to the gap of consumer/business in question
What marketing director focus:
Acquisition: get new customers
Retention: reputation, maintain CRM
Development: CRM, customer life cycle
Marketing Agency:
- Third party that a brand may choose to outsource some or all of its marketing and PR requests
- Puclicis (French company)
- Dentsu (Japan)
- Havas (US)
- Aegis
- Omnicom
Holding companies:
- BrandUnion (client)
Independent Agency
- Interbrand
Design and Branding
1. Brand Strategy
- Unique Selling Propositin
- the value of  brand
- Brand guideline
- How consumer perceive about a brand
- What cmopany want to present its image
2. Brand design
- Aesthetics: logo, colour, Ad, website, font, tagline, slogan, name, artwork, jingle, packaging, Name
eg. Brand name in Asia (4=death), focus on understandable, relevant in translation
3. Brand implementation
Manifestation of a brand design in a physical environment
eg, office, retail design, environment, sign
including TV, radio, billboard(OOH out-of-home), print, ambient media
in ad agency they do:
1. creative work: idea ( brainstorming, artwork, storyboarding- copywriter)
2. production: implementation (filming, editing, printing, post-production)
eg, Ogilvy, Satchi&Satchi, Lowe, Mother London(client), VCCP
Media buying and Planning
Based on the objectives a business has, making a desition on which paid media platforms the brand should appear, in order to reach its target audience, and negotiating with the media owners to secure the best rates
- researches of media consumption: find out the target audience behaviour
Media Planning:
Deciding on the ‘mix’ of media platforms you want to advertise on, based on an understanding of the audience groups you are looking to reach.
Media Buyinjg:
Negotiating the best (cheapest) rates with media owners, including commercial TC, Station, mags, newspapers, websites
Attributes that media agency use:
1. demographic: Age, sex, culture, ethnicity, location, postcode, social class, net-worth(wealth), marital status, education, occupation, Home owner, parent (It is important to ask interviewee about their target audience)
2.  Behaviour: Tech-savvy (Twitter user), Early-adopters, Fitness fanatics, media consumption habits, travel enthusiasts, outdoor types, loyal customer, regular customer, occasional customer, never purchase from you before
e.g. MediaCom (stormberg), Zenith Optimedia
Social Economic Class:
A :high net-worth individual, e.g. business owners, entrepreneur, top barrister, aristocracy, lottery owner
B: high-skilled earner, e.g. Doctor, Lawyer, financial director
C1: skilled middle class worker. e.g. teacher, estate agent
C2: unskilled service sector workers, e.g. shop assistant
D: Labour/ manual worker
E: unemployer
Public Relation (PR)
relationship with journalist, bloggers…. CRM, stakeholders relationship
who responsible for this? marketing director, communication director, marketing and communication director
1. media relations: building relations with media
2. press office management: respond to journalist (mostly outsourced)
3. pubic affair/ lobbying: when a product is highly regulated by law or need a licence to sell e.g. wine, tobacco (dark art)
4. Financial PR/ Investor Relations: make sure financial performance is reported in a good way and right place, which can increase awareness most effectively. Stockholder relationship, communication, newsletter…. Raise the profile of IPOs news by building websites, awareness, communication. All related to stock market.
5. Crisis Communications: scandal, environment issue…
6. Media trainning: train senior executive for TV interviewing
7. Internal communications/ employee engagement: newsletters, events///
8. Speaking engagements
9. Sponsorship
10. Social meida
11. Content and copywriting: blogging, opinion, press, email
12. community-led initiatives and philanthropy: CSR
13. Measurement of the success of PR initiatives: Google Analytics, metrics….

Tuesday 4 March 2014

One more time 再一次,2013央視公益勵志廣告

This advertisement was released from China Central Television with the aim of its brand image. The concept mainly focus on encouraging people to be proud of being a Chinese and never give up. Life is so difficult and there’s no such a thing like rehearsal. Sometimes, we might feel that the opportunity would never come again and the entire world seems so dark and desperate. No matter how depress we are, we can always hear a voice from our heart: ‘One more time’. Give me one more time. I want to do it one more time. It’s getting better one more time. It’s for the success, for the dream, for growing up, for love, for perfection. It doesn’t matter if we eventually achieve the goal or not. What matters is the belief that we keep doing it one more time and never give up. This belief is inspiring and respectful. The more we try, the stronger we are going to be. We admire for any ordinary people who have the courage to do anything one more time.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Why Social Media Matters?

It’s been 10 years since Facebook was created. There are some figures that we must take it seriously. It is reported that more than 665 million of active users on Facebook everyday and over 500 million registered accounts on Twitter. In addition, almost 89% of businesses have a delicate social media platform as part of their marketing strategy and 75% marketers reporting positive results in the benefits from social media. Social media has become a lifestyle in this modern society. But why it is so influential? There are three elements we can refer to.
1. Data
In order to reach consumers’ demand and preferences, it is important to have a better and deeper understanding among them before making a marketing plan. Apart from the traditional database which records demographic information from consumers and their purchase history, data from social media enables marketers to discover all the content, time, and location people have written about brands, services or products. Moreover, all the data are profiled by the account registration, which means that marketers would be able to target audience more precisely, effectively, and efficiently. Also, exploiting the stream data from social media could be the best practices for Customer Relationship Management.
2. Audience
Handling a strong social media presence is an efficient way to create brand awareness, to maintain relationships, and to drive new sales. The more audiences we have, the more digital exposure we can achieve. Using social media to deliver instant information in the digital marketplace also creates a virtual one-on-one conversations among consumers, just like discussing in the real time environment. The engagement of consumer would also build a sense of belonging and recognition towards the brand itself; furthermore, brand reputation and trust could be constructed in consumers mind deeply. Apart from all the benefits mentioned previously, the brand community on social media would be able to boost the traffic to the company website and increase the search engine ranking considerably.
3. Profitability
The rate of investment on social media is always highly concerned among the broad level. Apart from other traditional media, the marketing performances on social media are measurable and modifiable. Moreover, it’s a free media. The ROI on social media has been seeing a higher return since a huge number of those impressions were not paid by company itself. It is reported that about 30% of P&G marketing spend goes to digital, social and mobile channels today. Digital allows a very effective and tighter way to customise a message to a consumer. In TV advertising that is going to everybody, but now the marketers can much more carefully target the content to a certain group of audiences  through social media platform.

Monday 13 January 2014

How eBay improve its user acquisition?

Last Friday morning, Mr. Sebastian was invited to a breakfast networking event, giving a speak of eBay's advanced user acquisition strategy. Mr. Sebastian is Senior Product & Partnership Lead at eBay Enterprise, being a key player in monetizing, optimizing and maximizing digital marketing strategies with an attribution, cross-channel marketing lens. Here are some perspectives Mr Sebastian figured out on his speech.

1. Silo effect
Silo effect has been one of the hottest issues in the recent years, in which an information silo is a management incapable of reciprocal operation with other related information systems. Nowadays, consumer's purchase process has been developed to occur on different devices. It could be mobile, tablet, or laptop. However, most companies still report their marketing performance in silo. In the marketing department, SEO, PPC, Affiliate marketing and social media monitoring are responsible for different teams. Every team wants to do their best, but the budget is limited. The lack of communication among teams resulted in the inefficiency of marketing strategy eventually.

2. Customer Journey on eBay

There are many ways to acquire customers. In order to improve marketing performance and efficiency, eBay proposed a customer journey to reallocate limited budget. The following figure presents how digital marketing techniques play different roles towards customers.

Organic search plays a role as introducer for customers when they firstly are aware their demands and searching on the Internet. Then customers will start to collect information after they have chosen some targets to buy. The customer will be influenced by the display of products, the opinions on social media, and the promotion information from emails or SMS, to make their purchase decision. This process averagely lasts for eight days. Now, the customer has already known what they want. The paid research strategy will play a role of closer to help them find the product quickly and accurately.

3. Budget reallocation of eBay's marketing strategy

Based on the previous marketing performance and efficiency, eBay integrated the information from silos and figured out the following proportion on its marketing strategy.
13% Organic search (SEO)
17% Display (Web page)
40% Affiliate (online PR, direct email & SMS)
8% Social (Forum, Social media, friends)
22% Paid search (Google AdWords, PPC)

4. Data collection from clicks
As for the technology nowadays, the research team can only track consumers' purchase process by clicks, which is to save cookies and location data to pinpoint the target. Using this data helps eBay to profile potential customers, to figure out what they might be interested in, and then provide specific promotion information directly. However, eBay still can not access the user's social media to see what discussion is carrying on. In addition, it is expected that track by impression would be the trend in the future. The research team would be able to measure how much and who might have seen the online advertisement.

To sum up, optimizing digital marketing spend is highly concerned among the board-level decision makers. Marketers are required to justify the budget, in order to reduce time consuming and effort. The communication among different marketing teams should be enhanced, so that the marketing performance and efficiency would be improved by the integrated digital marketing strategy eventually.

Sebastian先生在上星期五受邀至倫敦市中心的一個早餐會,並分享eBay如何改善數位營銷策略以獲取更多客戶。Sebastian先生是eBay Entreprise的資深產品合作領導人,同時以數位營銷策略的獲利化、最適化、極大化為人所推崇。以下四點將闡述Sebastian於這場演講提出的幾個概念。

1. Silo Effect 筒倉效應

2. eBay的消費者購買流程

3. eBay營銷預算的重新分配

13% 原生搜尋 (e.g. 搜尋引擎優化)
17% 商品呈現 (e.g. 網站與商品展示設計)
40% 聯盟營銷 (e.g. 博客廣告、贊助廣告、直效營銷等等)
8%  社會營銷 (e.g. 論壇、社群營銷、口碑宣傳)
22% 付費搜尋 (e.g. 關鍵字營銷)

4. 資料蒐集


Tuesday 7 January 2014

Measures of online customer engagement

1. Percentage of non-home page entry visits:

Use promotional messages across the site that explain the essence of your offer, which is your OVP messages.

2. Bounce rate:

It is the percentage of visitors who enter a site or page and leave immediately. Place value-based messages and calls-to-action prominently throughout your site, such as newsletter sign-up.

3. Duration on site, pages per visit:

Use heat maps or overlays to access engagement, which helps you refine the clarity of your messages and calls-to-action. e.g. ClickDensity

4. Marketing outcomes:

Experiment with design or language variations in hyperlinks and images to see what is attractive to visitors.

5. Micro or step conversion rates:

It's the effectiveness of your site and drop-off at every stage of the customer acquisition-to-conversion lifecycle. Using interactive sales advisors to encourage visitors to entre a chat session.

6. Brand search term strength:

It's the number of people searching on your brand name or URL through time to assess how powerful your brand is im attracting new and repeat visitors. To generate awareness, it's suggested to use above-the-line advertising online or offline or sponsorship.

7. Email activity level:

Check levels of activity and response for email communications. Refined touch strategy on message type, triggers, outcomes required, the right medium for message, and the right sequence.

8. Define activity levels or hurdle rates:

Set metrics to review different types of user activity, in order to personalise by activity or lifecycle of content in web or e-mail pods.

9. Emotional response:

Conduct enchmarking research with users to assess their emotional responses to profiling your users. It's suggested to use multivariate testing.

10. Outcomes:

Find out aspects such as relevance, believability, and likeability. Use secondary navigation to highlight next steps.

Reasons why customers drop out

Here we put it into four steps in the process of relationship

1. Acquisition:

Wrong audience
Unclear marketing message
Slow page load

2. First impressions:

Unengaging look and feel
Clumsy site navigation

3. Product selection:

No real-time stock information
Awkward selection
Price uncompetitive
High shipping costs

4, Payment and fulfilment

Card validation error
No email notification
Failed delivery

E-marketing Checklist

Right Touching:

1. Search marketing (SEO)

2. Behavioural targeting or online advertising

3. multi-touches across different digital media channels for acquisition (search, affiliates, ad, aggregators)

4. Customer lifecycle model and welcome strategy

5. Reducing online attrition

6. Delivering relevant recommendations for retention and growth

7. Following up on customer product or promotion interest

8. Getting the frequency right

9. Getting the channel right

10. Getting the offer right

SOSTAC planning for e-marketing

1. Situation Analysis: Where are we now?
-Goal performance (5Ss)
-Customer insight
-E-market place SWOT
-Brand perception
-internal capabilities and resources

2. Objectives: Where do we want to be? (5Ss)
-Sell: customer acquisition and retention targets
-Serve: customer satisfaction targets
-Sizzle: site stickiness, visit duration
-Speak: trialogue; number of engaged customers
-Save: quantified efficiency gains

3. Strategy- How do we get there?
-Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
-Online Value Proposition
-Sequence, Credibility before Visibility
-Integration (consistent with OVP) and database
-Tools (web, functionality, email, IPTV...)

4. Tactics- Which tactical tools do we use to implement strategy? (details of strategy)
-e-marketing mix
-details of contact strategy
-e-campaign initiative schedule

5. Action- Which action plans are required to implement strategy?
-responsibilities and structures
-Internal resources and skills
-External agencies

6. Control- \How do we manage the strategy process?
-5Ss+Web Analytics-KPIs
-Usability Testing/ Mystery Shopping
-Customer Satisfaction Survey
-Site Visitor Profiling
-Frequency of Reporting
-Process of reporting and actions

Thursday 28 November 2013

[Brand] Eventbrite

As social networks has gradually become part of lifestyle in the recent years, many world leading corporate and innovative enterprises start to develop online community service and try to find a niche market to create profit. Eventbrite and Meetup are two of the outstanding websites for online event planning service. Both of them possess different value propositions in the functions, services, and profitable methodology.

Eventbrite is well known for its tickets selling and collecting services, which is named as a Ticketmaster’s business with a simpler, more economical model (The New York Times, 2009). It provides people around the world to organize, to set up ticket sales, to promote events of any size, and also gives users to publicize and share their activities with friends through Facebook, Twitter, and e-mail directly from the site’s interface.
In 2012, there were totally over $1 billion ticket sales through Eventbrite, activities were held in 179 countries, and Eventbrite app was downloaded with the number of 1.8 million.

In the review, many significant events were promoted as extraordinary record; for example, the meet up for thousands of New Yorkers did yoga in Times Square. As we can see the problems that Eventbrite present its performances mainly with the number of tickets being sold in the perspective of accumulative single events rather than a continuous relationship with users. It is evidential that there are quite few “likes” for announcements on Facebook page or Twitter compared to its followers, even not to mention the continuous conversations. It is hard to sustain customer’s loyalty without interactions.

In comparison with Eventbrite, Meetup is more successful in the function of social networking, which emphasizes more on the concept of local community and direct interactivity and discussion on the Meetup website. Even though the balance of establishing and maintaining online communities is always a tough mission for business, consumers are mostly fascinated with the diverse experiences in particular societies and the excitements of making new friends with common interests. Through creating a sense of belonging and community, corporates will be able to develop the customer-to-customer and customer-to-business relationship management in the long-term perspective to maintain the stably increasing revenue, which would be the scope of relationship marketing (Rowley, p.148, 2002).


在2012年,Eventbrite已經有超過十億美元的訂票銷售總額在179個國家進行。Eventbrite App的下載率也高達1800萬的次數,更是有許多國際知名的大型活動也都會選擇在Eventbrite的平台作為宣傳與集票系統。例如,美國紐約客透過Eventbrite號召人氣聚集在時代廣場做瑜珈的活動,便是其中一個知名的個案。儘管Eventbrite的名氣如此響亮,其網站提供的服務大多是一次性的消費,而非長遠的顧客關係維持。尤其是從Eventbrite在其他社群網路上的分享及點閱率,更是能夠看出來。因此如何增加顧客忠誠度以及提供使用者間的互動,將會是Eventbrite下一個需要注意的課題。


Sunday 17 November 2013

[Ad] Das Auto, the Kid's pride - Volkswagen 2013 Ad in China 一汽大眾速騰,孩子的驕傲。

Volkswagen released a commercial advertisement in China this month. This video has been placed as the pre-roll advertisement on several popular video-sharing website in China. In this advertisement, the first kid holds his ice cream, looking outside the window with an arrogant smile and licking his ice cream insolently toward the other kid in a Das Auto. When the traffic light turns into green, the first kid suddenly smash his face into the ice cream in his hand. The other kid in a Das Auto then takes out his ice cream with a delightful lick, smiling toward the poor first kid. This advert successfully employs the sense of competition between kids  during the red light traffic signal, to present the utility of Das Auto with an emphasis on its TSI+DSG. Das Auto, the kid's pride.  

這是一個本月剛發布的Das Auto汽車廣告,在中國各大視頻網站中的前導廣告廣為宣傳。影片中透過孩子們乘坐在不同廠牌的汽車中,一開始出現的圓領衫小孩一臉不屑的看向窗外,驕傲地舔了一口冰淇淋,向另一台車中的襯衫小孩炫耀。當綠燈亮起,鏡頭瞬間拉到圓領衫小孩整頭臉栽進手中的冰淇淋,然而乘坐Das Auto的小男孩坐在安全座椅上舒適的享受手中的冰淇淋。導演透過在等紅燈時營造出相互較勁的氣氛,來展現Das Auto剎車起步時的平穩與加速性,強調TSI(渦輪增壓)+DSG(直接換檔變速器)的效能。一汽大眾速騰,孩子的驕傲。

Friday 15 November 2013

[Ad] A memory to remember - Kingston, 2013 記憶月台

This is a real story in London, as we all know the story of 'Mind the gap'. This month, Kingston took the whole story as an advertisement in Taiwan, with a considerable investment to create the scene of London tube. This video begins with the sound of 'Mind the Gap' for three times, and turns into the conversation between the senior lady and station staff. Moreover, Kinston employs an specialised music video to present the memory of the senior lady. It is extremely impressive and touching. Everything is great except the American accent..... No matter what, that's brilliant indeed!

這是一個記憶體廠商金士頓(Kingston)的廣告,在11月份影片釋出於Youtube的時候,引起廣大網民的回響。這是改編自英國倫敦的真實案例,重現'Mind the Gap'的廣播聲背後的感人故事。廣告的一開始採用阿甘正傳似的敘事,並以三聲Mind the gap作為開頭,將鏡頭轉至頭髮花白的女士與站務人員間的對談。劇中更是採用了MV式的拍攝手法回顧老太太的記憶,搭配獨創的配樂與歌詞,譜出一場賺人熱淚的唯美饗宴。此外,全片的拍攝地點皆在台灣,Kingston公司投下大量資本,用了52位專業師傅、耗時84個重現倫敦地鐵的場景。唯一美中不足的是美國腔調的配音,但也許Kingston公司考量到國際上仍然與美國腔的使用為大宗,才做此選擇吧。

Thursday 14 November 2013

[CSR] HSBC- Mexico Drug Money Issue 匯豐銀行,墨西哥毒品洗錢案

Even though “The world’s local bank” campaign was quite successful, the customer management in global banking system of HSBC was questioned by the event of drug money. HSBC spent several years positioning itself as the world’s local bank to present its globalised and localised service, but this convenience also provides some people opportunities to do international illegal event without cultural barrier. The internal control of HSBC did not implement completely so that they eventually involved the Mexican drug money event in 2012. Actually, HSBC knew that the transactions were illegal, but the clients had a long relationship in HSBC as well. Finally, HSBC apologized for the incident and they agreed to pay $1.9 billion dollars in fine.

Before the Mexican drug money event, HSBC also promote a series commercial “responsibility” under “The world’s local bank” campaign to response for their insistence during 2008 financial credit crisis. In the commercial, it emphasised on the idea that HSBC understand that people’s value influence their financial decisions, in order to transmit the high moral standard of HSBC. They used the metaphor of hard decision by the mental confliction of paparazzi and fishermen to present the anxiety and consideration of to do and not to do. No matter how struggling the main character did in the commercial, the final decision was all based on the morality and social responsibility. HSBC use the slides of life to imply their social responsibility to the audiences. Even though the accumulative scandals and bankruptcy in financial industry has resulted in the distrust by the public, HSBC still maintain a stable operating income and customer account in an increasing situation.

儘管匯豐銀行'the world's local bank'系列廣告是非常成功的,然而在多年累積起的專業形象之後,於2012年所爆發的墨西哥毒品洗錢案,令人匪夷所思匯豐銀行對內部稽核的控管品質,是否在每個國家都不同? 在醜聞爆發之後,匯豐銀行也立即承認了其內部疏失,並認賠罰款19億美金。並在洗錢案落幕之後,匯豐銀行推出一系列'Responsibility'的廣告,欲傳達給消費者做出正確決策的困難,也告訴觀眾在金融海嘯期間,匯豐銀行將秉持其社會責任的信念,提供客戶高道德標準的服務。