Tuesday 12 November 2013

[Brand] Breast Cancer Campaign, UK 英國乳癌防治運動慈善機構

Breast Cancer Campaign is a charity aimed at fighting for breast cancer by funding innovative research to improve diagnosis, treatment and cure. They named their core research as Pink Science to cover every aspect of breast cancer research with eight themes, which are biology, diagnosis, education, emotional impact, genetics, growth, prevention, and treatment. In order to achieve the mission that everyone can be part of making Pink Science happen, Breast Cancer Campaign attracts the best scientists to do research projects, survivors from breast cancer to share their experiences, and supporters to join to join and fund the activities to help in raising its awareness. To conclude, Pink Science is not merely a research project but a spiritual act of passion to send the message that everyone is part of the cure.
Compared to other campaigns, Breast Cancer Campaign differentiates itself by only funding for research in breast cancer across the UK and Ireland, rather than selling pink ribbon product for profit. They currently support 95 research projects with £15,630,534 in 33 centres across the UK and Ireland, and have been awarded over 360 grants with £39 million in total to universities, medical schools and research centres in the UK (Breast Cancer Campaign, 2013). In addition, Breast Cancer Campaign chose to use the jigsaw piece as their logo rather than the pink ribbon, for the reason that the missing piece of the puzzle is the cure for breast cancer. Breast cancer is not one disease and is also unable to be cured by one treatment.

Breast Cancer Campaign是一家英國的慈善機構,專門負責乳癌防治研究與推廣。他們的核心研究稱之為'Pink Science',目的是讓所有人都能夠參與,其中包含了八個主題分別是生物、臨床診斷、教育、情緒影響、基因、成長、防治、以及治療。Breast Cancer Campaign結集了全國最優秀的科學家來做研究,成功抵抗乳癌的病患來做心路歷程分享,以及志工們來推廣乳癌防治運動與籌募資金。相較於其他的乳癌防治運動,Breast Cancer Campaign特別強調其研究成果,來凸顯他們的核心價值。目前他們已經擁有投入了超過1500萬英鎊在全英國包含愛爾蘭的33個研究機構中的95個研究計畫,其中也包含了許多研究型的醫學院與私人研究機構。除此之外,Breast Cancer Campaign採用拼圖作為其logo,以便於和粉紅絲帶做區隔。失蹤的這一塊拼圖,所代表的寓意是缺少的乳癌治療研究。乳癌並不是一種疾病,而是缺乏了一項完善的治療。

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